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We are...

The Kyiv Institute of Gestalt and Psychodrama (KIGiP) is an educational institution specializing in teaching educational programs in Gestalt therapy.


Training programs meet the standards:

AAGT (American Association for the development of Gestalt Therapy)

FORGE (International Federation of Gestalt Training Organizations)

EAGT (European Association of Gestalt Therapy)

UAGT (Ukrainian Association of Gestalt therapists)

Our institute was created to promote the values of humanistic psychology on the territory of Ukraine.


We are open to all those who want to take responsibility for their lives and activities, for their choices and decisions, words and deeds, for those who, striving for development, strengthen the psychological and spiritual potential of our nation.

Our story

Our story began in 2006, when KIGiP was officially registered.

Since the beginning of our activity in Ukraine, we have cooperated with many Ukrainian and international organizations.

In 2009, KIGiP started close cooperation with an international partner - GATLA (Gestalt Association of Trainers of Los Angeles), whose representative in Ukraine is Natalia Turbovets, director of our Institute, and with whom we continue to work today in joint projects, such as:

Third and Fourth stages in Gestalt therapy, GATLA integration (which allows our students to obtain a GATLA psychotherapist certificate).


Since 2019, our institute has been accepted into FORGE (International Federation of Gestalt Training Organizations)


We also cooperate with USP (Ukrainian Union of Psychotherapists),

AGTU (Association of Gestalt Trainers of Ukraine)

and UAGT (Ukrainian Association of Gestalt therapists)


A few facts about us

During the existence of the Institute, we have worked with such outstanding trainers as:

  • Nifont Dolgopolov (now deceased, founder and rector of the Moscow Institute of Gestalt and Psychodrama, teacher and mentor for a team of outstanding gestalt therapists and trainers in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Moldova and many other countries)

  • Anna Tanalska-Duleba

  • Jay Levin

  • Todd Burley (professor at Loma Linda University, California, now deceased)

  • Liv Estrup

  • Yurii Rector

  • Olexandr Yeremieiev

  • Bob Reznik (now deceased, student of Fritz Perls himself and founder of GATLA)

  • Helen Kennedy

  • Victoria Lepeskine

  • Svitlana Vasilieva

  • Liv Vadum

  • Stephanie Goldsmith

  • Shari Geller

  • Stig Poulsen

  • John C. Norcross

  • George Silberschatz

  • Steven Elkind

  • Arie Burshtein

  • and others.


Since then, we have graduated more than 1,300 First-stage students in Gestalt therapy,

almost 370 Second-stage students in Gestalt therapy,

and more than 900 people have been trained at our specialization courses.


Today, we have about 450 more students studying in the First, Second, Third and Fourth stage programs.


Our trainers:


I would like to note and express my gratitude to the trainers of our institute:


  • Valentyna Neikova-Mokhova

  • Victoria Varga

  • Nadiia Rekhtina

  • Iryna Shcherbakova

  • Serhii Haidai

  • Olesia Varvarska

  • Olena Statnik

  • Ksenia Shulga

  • Olena Dremova

  • Mirabella Belilovska

  • Ruslan Tkachuk

  • Maryna Margitych

  • Khrystyna Smagliy

  • Natalia Turbovets

  • as well as those participants of educational programs, our students who want to improve their professionalism and join the team of trainers and therapists of KIGiP.


Accreditation of our trainers:

Most of our trainers have certificates and recognition in such organizations:

  • Association of Gestalt Trainers of Ukraine (AGTU)

  • Ukrainian Association of Gestalt Therapists (UAGT)

  • Ukrainian Union of Psychotherapists (USP)

  • European Association of Gestalt therapists (EAGT)

  • GATLA (Gestalt Association of Trainers of Los Angeles)

  • European Association of psychotherapy (EAP)

  • Italian Gestalt Institute in Syracuse, led by Margherita Spagnolo-Lobb

  • French Gestalt Institute led by Jean Marie-Robin



Participation in international events:

Trainers of our Institute regularly take part in such international events as:

  • EAGT conference (European Association of Gestalt Therapists)

  • GATLA intensive courses

  • International research programs in collaboration with SPR (Social Policy Research Associates)



Training in KIGiP

KIGiP is recognized not only in Ukraine, but also among the international community.

KIGiP's educational projects involve not only the Ukrainian coaching team, but also specialists from our international partners.


This allows our graduates to be competitive Gestalt therapists and Gestalt trainers who not only successfully carry out their professional activities, but are also people who can take responsibility in helping and supporting people and the community, the state of Ukraine and other countries.

Currently, the institute employs 17 permanent trainers and supervisors.


International training programs in KIGiP:

"Clinical psychology",

the author and presenter is Liv Vadum (Norway), a student of Eleanor Grindberg, a fellow and full member of NGA (Norwegian Gestalt Association) and EAGT (European Association of Gestalt Therapists), a specialist in clinical trauma therapy and complex grief therapy.


Participation in the program gives our students the opportunity to improve their knowledge in clinical psychology, as the program is based on the author's methodology of Eleanor Greenberg (USA).


"Course on polyvagal therapy" - in exclusive cooperation with the Stephen Porges Institute of Polyvagal therapy (KIGiP is the only partner of the Institute in Ukraine).


Educational and research projects in collaboration with SPR (Social Policy Research Associates) with such speakers as:

Sherry Gehler

Stig Poulsen (Denmark)

and others.



Third stage:

Professional development of Gestalt therapists. Training of Group leaders

Fourth stage:

Supervision of a Gestalt therapist (training of supervisors).

These programs encourage and support our students in their desire to develop and improve their skills.

Upon completion of their studies, our students have the opportunity to obtain a GATLA certificate (the exam is taken by two GATLA supervisors).


Our students can complete training in the following areas and courses:

Training of gestalt therapists:

  • Basic training in Gestalt therapy (First stage)

  • Training of gestalt therapists (Second stage)

  • Group work training and advanced training for Gestalt therapists (Third stage)

  • Training of supervisors in Gestalt approach (Fourth stage)

  • Professional development in collaboration with GATLA (GATLA integration)



  • Work with trauma and PTSD 

  • Family psychotherapy in Gestalt approach.

  • Psychology of relationships in a couple and sexuality

  • Codependency

  • Clinical psychology

  • Psychopropedeutics

  • Polivagal theory

  • Body process in Gestalt therapy

  • and others.


Educational and therapeutic projects:

  • Work with children, adolescents and parents

  • Art therapy in Gestalt approach

  • A series of webinars with Arya Burstein "What is healing? Body-oriented Gestalt therapy in difficult times"

  • Resources of your sexuality


Supervision groups with the following trainers:

  • Jay Levin

  • Natalia Turbovets

  • Iryna Shcherbakova

  • Serhii Haidai

  • Nadiia Rekhtina

  • Victoria Varga

  • Valentyna Neikova-Mokhova



  • Basic lectures on Gestalt therapy for students and Gestalt therapists

  • Open lectures on various topics from our trainers

  • Free lectures by invited trainers from Europe and the USA



Kyiv Institute of Gestalt and Psychodrama


+38 093 531 80 01

+38 099 058 32 60

Prorizna Street 18 / 1G, office 48

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